I have been very lax about posting so far in 2019, and I will change as soon as possible. I had every intention of posting my meal plan last week, but an unfortunate 2 day hangover meant that both Sunday & Monday (by the time i got through work) were a complete write off! I'm not sure how, but depsite eating my way through my hangover on Sunday I still managed to lose 2lbs at weigh in on Thursday. That bring my January weight loss total to 5.5lbs, only 2.5lbs to get rid of the rest of my Christmas gain.
I've been feeling quite positive about my WW journey. Trying to focus more on how I am feeling and less worrying about the number on the scales (though it is hard not to get a little boost when the scales are moving). I am trying to be mindful about my eating. Focusing on why I want to eat my preplanned 'healthy' foods during the week in work instead of going out and grabbing a chicken fillet roll, crisps and chocolate. When I do have a treat or go off plan, whether it was intentional or not, to actually enjoy it and not feel guilty about it. Last Sunday I fed my hangover; crisps, chocolate, cheese, bread, pizza...all the stodgy stuff you crave when the hangover hits. Instead of feeling guilty and worrying about the scales all week I just moved on with my week as normal. I didn't undereat to make up for it, or kill myself with extra activity. I woke up on Monday and had my normal breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I didn't have the best start to this month. For some reason on Friday I was just a bit picky with my food and I had such an awful week in work that as soon as I got home I could hear the bottle of wine calling me. So I shared a bottle of wine with my partner, had some garlic bread with my dinner and had a few chocolates.
Did I need them? No
Do I wish I could handle my emotions around food better? Yes
Will I feel guilty about it? No
Guilt would not have changed what happened on Friday, and it may have affected every day since. Instead of going down the rabbit hole of self hatred I have done before I choose to now accept that I am human and sometimes my emotions get the better of me. I like to think of myself as a rational person, but we can't live life by rational & logic all the time. I have feelings that sometimes take over and for me that leads to over eating. I will always try and change that, but I refuse to feel guilty about it any more.
Back to my usual meal planning. Only way to make it through the week. I had a planned day off on Saturday but got myself back on track on Sunday and have a good week ahead of me (once I don't let the stress take over). We are out 2 days this weekend, so just need to focus on the days before and after that and ensure to keep up the activity! Hope you all have a great week.