Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Guest Post: Sophie's Slimming World Journey!

From Couch Potato to Rugby All Star*

For as long as I can remember I've always been overweight. That one big friend, feeling uncomfortable going out with all my 'thin' friends. Them being able to wear what was trendy and me hiding away in tracksuit bottoms and hoodies. I joined weight watchers when I was 17 and managed to do really well, getting down to my lowest ever weight but that did not last long. I moved school in 5th year and slowly I gave up tracking and going to class. 

Over the two last years of school I continued to gain weight and by the time I started college I was bigger than ever and only getting heavier. I tried Weight Watchers again when I was about 21 and topped the scales at over 17 stone. I managed to lose about 2 and a half stone, but my heart wasn't in it and I soon gave up. While I stopped losing weight at this stage, something must have stuck as I managed not to gain it all back. When I moved into a career in childcare at 23, my newly active job helped me a lost a little more weight on my own. But that only worked for so long, and I still didn't feel comfortable or happy.

At the start of last year, an old friend from school put up a post on Facebook about her new Slimming World class and it came just when I needed it. I had read about Slimming World and had been thinking about joining. I like the sound of it, the freedom to be able to eat freely (particularly with potatoes and pasta) and still lose weight. I was a little sceptical it could really work but figured why not give it a go. My first meeting was great, I learned all about the program and off I went for my first week of food optimising. I weighed in that first week at 13 stone 10lbs and I was all ready to get my weight down once and for all. That first week I was in shock at how much I was eating and my scepticism grew, I thought I could never lose weight eating this much. Despite my concerns by the time my first weigh in came around I lost a massive 5.5lbs and at that point I just fell in love with the program.  It was so easy to follow, I was eating so much and I never felt hungry like before. The more I got into the program the more determined I was not to go back to the weight I was. I was, as they say, eating myself slim! 

After a few week I found that I had completely change the way I was eating. I had the flexibility to still have my treats and go out with my friends. By the time Summer rolled around I could feel the difference and people were starting to notice! My confidence was growing with every pound and by August I had lost 2 stone. The newfound confidence spurred me on to do something I never would have been able to before. I have always loved rugby, and had wanted to play for years but just never had the courage to sign up. At the start of September I took the leap, I went on my own to the Old Belvedere Rugby Club and joined up! I've been playing now for 7 months and have made some of the best friends. I have gotten so much fitter and between that and my weight loss I am just so much healthier and happier.

Meeting new people, exercising, joining a club on my own....these are all things that 20year old me never would have done and I have Slimming World to thank for it! Although I stopped going to class after Christmas, I am still following the plan by myself with weekly weigh ins. I use Instagram to keep me motivated and on track. I love getting tips and recipes from other 'dieters', whether they are doing slimming world, weight watchers or calorie counting they all keep me on track. I love posting my meals, its a great food diary that I can refer back to at any time!

I'm not quite where I want to be but I am close then I've ever been! I'm happier, healthier, fitter and more confident than I have ever been.I'm so glad I walked through those doors into Slimming World over a year ago. Don't ever be afraid to start, you have nothing to lose but weight!

"If you want to soar in life, you must learn to F.L.Y (first love yourself)"

Sophie's Tips for Success

  • Be sure to allow yourself treats. I find depriving myself makes me crave it more and more. Plan for an enjoy your treats, but be sure to be back on plan as soon as its done!
  • Instagram has been my bible, I couldn't do it without the support and help I get from everyone.
  • Measure your success with photos. The scales don't always reflect the effort you put in but seeing the progress in photos can really give you the visual motivation to keep going. 

Follow Sophie on Instagram for motivation, ideas and recipes!!!

*Sophie told me she is not an All Star, but she always will be an All Star to her big sister