Monday, January 21, 2019

Weekly Meal Plan & Weigh In

I'm going to keep this post brief as I am working on a longer post dedicated to some goals for 2019. I am firmly back in the swing of things and managed to lose 3lbs of my Christmas gain. It may have gone on quite quickly but I know it will be slower to come off and I'm ok with that. I would rather lose it again gradually than try to rush it for no real reason. I feel like I am back into a real routine and that's how I work best. When I am enjoying the food I'm eating and not overthinking everything. 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Hello 2019

I'm a little late with my first post of the year. It has been a crazy few weeks since my last post and I just have not had the time for this. I finished up at my last weigh in losing half a pound, not quite hitting my Christmas goal but feeling pretty good about things. My last weigh in was the Thursday and in that weekend before Christmas I managed to have one full day on plan, one mindful day and one blowout. And then it all went out the window Christmas and my holiday. I came back and had a week where I was all over the place, but despite the temptation to skip it, I brave the scales at my studio/workshop and accepted my gain. I could feel the gain in my clothes and I knew I was up a substantial amount. Had I managed to get myself organised when I got back from my holidays I could have probably done a fair amount of damage control but I didn't and so I was not surprised when the scales said I was up 8.5lbs! Its a lot to gain in 3 weeks, but I don't regret one second of it as it was the best Christmas I've ever had.