Monday, June 19, 2017

Weekly Meal Plan: June Week 3

Since my last post, things have been a bit up and down. I had a couple of weeks where I felt I had my control back. I was following the No Count plan for a few days a week and it was really working for me. My plan had been to avoid the scales until I felt a bit better but that hasn't worked so well for me, and at first it was telling a good story. Then things took a turn again the past 2 weeks, and I've been all over the place again. My weekends were pretty manic, and until this sunday we hadn't done a proper weekly shop in about 3 weeks. So I was grabbing things on the go during the week and trying my hardest to eat as well as possible. The weekends were my usual, stop trying on Friday morning and then wake up Monday feeling both guilty and a little hopeless. 

I finally got myself to the supermarket yesterday with my meal plan done and got a proper shop done. I also managed to get some meal prep done for the first time in a long time so I am feeling a little more in control this week. I am still under a huge amount of stress in work at the moment, and so I know that it affects everything around me including my eating. I need to keep reminding myself that eating well will ultimately reduce my stress because I can't help but feel guilty. I am trying to focus myself on not letting work stress me out. It really isn't worth making myself ill over, but I care quite a lot about my job, and when things aren't going right I take it really personally even when I know I am doing everything I can to resolve the issues. 

At the start of the year I set myself a pretty ambitious goal for my running. I was aiming to do at least one race every 2 months, and if possible a race a month. I have so far managed 4 months out of the 6 so far which is pretty good, and I have a few more planned for the rest of the year. While I am getting out and doing the races, my training has been all over the place. I have had to deal with a few injury's and on top of that I have been dealing with a lot of fatigue. Between the stress from work and the fatigue my anxiety has been making an appearance more often than I would like and all of it has a toll on my running. I have 8 weeks to go until the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon so I really need the next few weeks to start getting my rhythm back. 

I have my meal plan done for the week, all meals organised apart from tomorrow which will most likely be an M&S ready meal since I will be doing a bit of shopping after work so it will have to be something quick and easy. I have loads of recipes still waiting to be typed up and posted, and I know I keep promising to do it but I will be getting at least one up this week. Hope everyone has a good week, and fingers crossed I can get my head back in things properly this week! 

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