
Monday, April 29, 2019

Another Month Goes By

End of April is here already, it really feels like only yesterday I was setting myself a challenge for April and now all of a sudden its over. I have to say I am really happy with how April has gone. My challenge was to track every single day 100% honestly - even the days I went off plan. And I have kept to that challenge so far bar one day. I don't even have a good reason as to why I didn't track on Friday, I was home alone and I gave into old binging habits. I don't remember what I ate so I have no way to track it - but I know I went way over my daily allowance. I know it started with a bowl of fruit and fibre, but where I went after that I do not know. 

In the grand scheme of things, one binge like this in month is huge progress for me. I had found myself revisiting this style of eating more frequently since the start of the year. It's something I have always struggled with. I can go months and even years without doing it, but it always creeps back in. So while I recognise that I have made progress in the past few months, I can't help but be disappointed with myself for letting it happen. I would love to be able to say goodbye to this habit forever, but I feel it is something I will struggle with forever. 

So I have no idea how I will do on the scales this week, I have been keeping track of my progress and looking at my weight loss on a monthly basis rather than weekly and so on Thursday my April results will be in. No matter what happens though, I feel like for the  most part I have gained a lot of the control I lost back and am fully motivated and committed to keep it going. 

As always I have a new meal plan for the week! Trying a couple of new recipes as well as a few old favourites! 

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